The following represent some of our research, ideas, and collaborations:
- The Evidence Based Curriculum Design Framework: Leveraging Diverse Perspectives in the Design Process, Philip Vahey, David Reider, Jillian Orr, Ashley Lewis Presser, Ximena Dominguez. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 2018. Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
- Workforce Education Models for K-12 STEM Education Programs: Reflections on, and Implications for, the NSF ITEST Program, David Reider, Kirk Knestis, Joyce Malyn-Smith. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 2016. Springer.
- Pioneering Mars: Turning the Red Planet Green with Earth’s Smallest Settlers, J. Cwikla, S. Milroy, D. Reider, T. Skelton. American Biology Teacher, 2014.
- Integration of Innovative Technologies for Enhancing Students’ Motivation for Science Learning and Career, Yichun Xie & David Reider. Online access to Journal of Science Education and Technology, 2013. Springer.
- Transformative Research-Based Pedagogy Workshops for Chemistry Graduate Students and Postdocs, C. Bauer, R. D. Libby, M. Scharberg, D. Reider. Journal of College Science Teaching. 2013.
- Listening to Evaluation
How Evaluation in the Music in Education National Consortium (MIENC) characterizes many of the Laboratory School Network objectives, David Reider. Journal for Music in Education, 2007. - New Ventures_in Integrated_Teaching_and_Learning
Working toward a model of general symbolic literacy based on the growing understanding of fundamental literacy skills shared between music and language in grades K-2, Larry Scripp & David Reider. Journal for Music in Education, 2007.